


10月21日(金)19:00集合 スタート19:30〜1時間半くらい
場所:Cafe Ocean




A message from Julie about ' Soul Moves' workshop in Japan

Let's enjoy a pocket of special time and space together where we can
dive deeply into our inner nature then open to and communicate with
the greater nature around us.

Through free form movement and dance we will consciously explore and
share inspiration and creative expression with all those around us and
together build the field of community.

Finally we can enter into the deep silence that connects us to all
life which nourishes and brings healing to the very core of our being.

No movement or dance experience necessary.
Just come with curiosity and an open heart.
Julie will provide guidance, support and inspiring music to set you on
this journey of rich communications and divine relations!

About Julie Geeti Rogers

Julie was born in Australia but loves Japan and loves to dance and move.
She is so happy that she can share what she loves with the people and
land she loves at Cafe Ocean in Hazu.

Drawing upon her many years of study in 'Mobius Kiryuho' in Japan with
Master Kajo Tsuboi and now recently with Vinn Marti in the USA
studying 'Soul Motion' , Julie feels she can offer a beautiful
marriage of East and West.

She feels that movement and dance can provide opportunities to really
connect and know oneself more deeply and from this place move
outwards to enjoy and explore an expanded connection with our natural
world, fellow human community and with existence itself.

The collective field that is created when a group moves consciously
together becomes a powerful catalyst for change and transformation on
a personal and collective level.

So the time has come…Shall we dance!!!

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